Regular attendance is defined as 90% or above, student outcomes and success are strongly linked to maintaining regular student attendance, and we are required to keep an accurate record of lesson attendance for all students.
Hours of attendance at Byford Secondary College are 9:00am to 3:10pm. Student attendance will be recorded by 9:10am and updated when necessary throughout the day. Two absentee text messages will be sent to the primary carer. The first absentee text is generated based on period 1 data and sent at 10:30am. A second absentee text message will be sent between 3:30pm and 4pm for period 2-5 attendance.
Parents/caregivers can monitor their child’s attendance in real time via Compass.
Byford Secondary College is transitioning to a new system, this means all Attendance SMS messages will now come from a new contact ByfordSC.
The new system will notify parents, guardians, and caregivers of unexplained absences or late arrivals.
Parents/caregivers are required to advise the school of the reasons for an absence as soon as practical.
The advice can be provided to the school:
SMS: Using the Compass link provided in the absentee text message received, or
Phone: 9526 7738 (8:15 am – 3:45pm), or
Written advice should clearly state the student’s first name, surname, the date(s) and reason for the absence. Parents and guardians are also requested to advise the college if they are aware of any future absences.
The Department of Education has provided some resources around school absences:
Lateness to school disrupts student’s instruction and impacts on learning. Parent and guardians should provide the school with an explanation and/or evidence for students who arrive after 9:00am. The preferred method for a late notification is via SMS 0437 780 398. Notification can also be provided via phone on 9526 7738 (between 8:15am and 3:45pm), via the absentee email: or with a signed note from the parent or guardian that the student may present to the Student Hub prior to attending class. Students who are late to school without parent or guardian advice should present to their timetabled class where their arrival time will be recorded.
If a student is required to leave during the day for reasonable causes (e.g. medical appointments), a parent or guardian must make contact with the school. Students should go to the student hub BEFORE contacting to arrange an early collection.
The preferred method of contact is via Text 0437 780 398 with the student’s name, departure time and reason for departure. Notification can also be provided via phone on 9526 7738 (between 8:15am and 3:45pm), email or with a signed note from the parent or guardian that the student may present to Student Services before period 1 commences.
Text messages on student’s personal devices will not be accepted.