Student Services

Located in the heart of our College, our student services team is dedicated to providing support for the social, emotional and educational development of our students.

Our Services

The role of Student Services is to assist students in creating strategies that allow them to realise their own personal strengths, encouraging and guiding them to become their best self.

The Student Hub offers a range of student support structures designed to encourage and monitor student health and wellbeing.  This includes running programs around personal growth, developing student behaviour intervention plans, offering advice on all aspects of school life, coordinating year group events in and outside of our College. The Hub staff liaise with parents regarding academic, behavioural, social and emotional issues, and facilitate the direction and planning of school projects with student representatives.

Our Team

The team consists of an associate principal, year managers and coordinators, a student support coordinator, a student services coordinator and several support and pastoral roles such community nurse, chaplain, psychologist and school officers.

Rosana Stout

Associate Principal
Years 8 & 11

Lauren Findlay

Associate Principal
Years 9 & 12

Rose Williamson

Associate Principal
Years 7 & 10

Leisa Hanson

Associate Principal SEN
(Special Educational Needs)

Claire Hennessy

Student Services Managers
Years 8 & 11

Sarah Gillam

Students Services Mangers
Years 9 & 12

John McNess

Student Services Managers
Years 7 & 10

Ashleigh McNess

Student Coordinator
Year 8 & 9

John Stojan

Student Coordinator
Year 9 - 12

Matthew Lanternier

Student Support Coordinator

Janice Palmer

Student Support Officer

Boyd Hall

School Support Officer - triage

Renae Whyte

School Support Officer

Wendy Voysey

School Psychologist

Frank Lazzari

School Psychologist

Tara Ramirez

Student Hub Administration

Kelly Pilling

Student Hub Administration

Chylee Branch

Student Hub Administration

  • Student Services Managers are appointed to a year group and, where possible, remain with the same group from Year 7 to 12. In this way, a close relationship is established between the students, families and the Manager throughout the school journey. They have the following responsibilities:

    • The pastoral care of students through offering advice and support in all aspects of school life including course, study, social and family concerns. 
    • Coordination of assemblies and social events such as the School Ball, Dinner Dance, River Cruise and other reward incursions and excursions. 
    • Promotion of student participation in school and community events.
    • Liaising with student carers about student academic, behaviour, social and emotional needs.  
    • Liaising with parents and student carers, teaching and support staff and external agencies to develop management plans for students at risk. 
    • Facilitating the direction and planning of cohort and whole school projects with Student Representative Council. 
  • Student Services Year Coordinators provide pastoral care of students by offering advice and support in all aspects of school life including course, study, social and family concerns. They also coordinate assemblies and social events and support Student Services Managers with the case management of students at educational risk.
  • Student Support Coordinator & Officer works across years 7-12 collaborating with the Student Services Team providing a safe environment that nurtures and promotes positive social, emotional, physical, academic and mental wellbeing. They also work with the wider school community, including external service providers and agencies to provide workshops, practical strategies and current best practice with the aim to develop and support students to grow and become positive, active, responsible members of society.
  • School Nurse & Psychologist are primarily focused on the provision of health counselling for adolescents. They collaborate with the student services team to support young people at risk of poor physical and psychological health. The School Psychology provides a specialist psychological assessment, intervention and consultation service for schools.
  • Student Hub Administration manage attendance and monitor truancy and student hub meeting time allocation. upport