Using a curriculum framework rich with positive regard and the encouragement of creative thinking, our teachers deliver an education that inspires personal growth, leading to a life-long learning mentality.
We offer an array of specialised programs for students who wish to further explore their passions with an extended curriculum including opportunities leading beyond basic education. The College hosts specialist programs in Netball, AFL, Music and Aspire which is our academic extension program.
We cater for young people across the full spectrum of disabilities from high functioning to profound. Students will either study in a Integrated facility purpose built to cater for their needs, or be placed in mainstream classroom with education assistant support.
The Advanced Arts Program is an exciting opportunity for students who are passionate about The Arts and are considering a long term commitment to the Arts or an Arts Pathway. All Year 7s participate in an Arts Taster program, allowing each student to experience Dance, Drama, Visual Art and Media Art. If you are selected for the Advanced Art Program you will be placed into a specific Advanced Arts class with other like-minded students. It is expected that you will select the Advanced Arts class as your Arts class elective in Year 8 and beyond.
Reasons for applying for this program include:
Our Pathways Centre and it’s team are here to help each student find their passion and plan their post-school direction. They also work hard with students and parents to make sure each child can achieve their WACE (Western Australia Certificate of Education), providing academic reports and guidance. At Byford Secondary we believe that every child is capable of aspiring to excellence and success.
WAPBS is a framework that guides college wide strategies used to improve students academic and behaviour outcomes. This include a rewards system and clearly defined values and expectations for staff and students. We have developed a matrix outlining these values and expectations in consultation with staff and students who both recognised areas of improvement within the college.
We have the specific advantage of hosting an array of facilities and learning spaces that cater to the needs of our educators and students. We boast a 200 seat theatre, Library with a dedicated Follow the Dream program classroom, an indoor gymnasium, a hydrotherapy pool, several hard courts and an oval that includes a full size AFL ground and soccer field.