
Byford Secondary College welcomes student enrolment applications from a wide local intake area.

Find your future at Byford Secondary College

We offer a variety of courses designed to support the future pathways of every student. We have a strong focus on career education and the planning needed for each student to achieve their post-school aspiration.  Our specialised programs include AFL, Netball, the arts, and academic excellence so that many of our students are able to engage in building excellence in their area of interest. We also cater for students across the full spectrum of disabilities from high functioning to profound.

We believe that every young person has unique experiences, learning styles and goals which we strive to accommodate in order to support individual success. We provide a broad comprehensive education which prepares our students for the future, helping them to discover their passion and work towards a prosperous and happy life beyond secondary education. In the Senior years our students have various options of study whether they follow the path of attaining an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), or enrol in Vocational Education and Training (VET) to gain qualifications and/or employment.

International Students

We are also a recognised destination for international students wishing to experience education in Western Australia. For more information on international students about studying in Western Australia visit TIWA (TAFE International Western Australia).

Education Support

Byford Secondary College has a strong belief that all students attending the College are an important part of our inclusive community. Students attend the College with a range of abilities and are supported with various diagnoses such as intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, language disorders, mental health conditions and Autism Spectrum Disorder. They work in multi-level classes on individual learning programs.

Special programs

We offer an array of specialised programs for students who wish to further explore their passions with an extended curriculum including opportunities leading beyond basic education. Our programs in AFL, Academic exention(Aspire), Music and Netball allow our students to study their passion alongside standard school subjects, enriching their experience with at the College.