The Pathways Centre

Find your future with the help of our Pathways Centre.

The Pathways centre is home to the VET, Careers and Workplace Learning team.

Our Pathways Centre and it’s team are here to help each student find their passion and plan their post-school direction. They also work hard with students and their carers to make sure each child can achieve their WACE (Western Australia Certificate of Education), providing academic reports and guidance. At Byford Secondary we have Pathways classes integrated into student timetables to recognise the importance of career development. 

In senior school students are offered 3 pathways:

1. ATAR Pathway
2. General Pathway
3. VET Pathway 

Each of these are tailored specifically to the aspirations and talents of the student. Our pathways team encourages all students to attend career counselling as early as Year 9 so they can position themselves to achieve the necessary requirements to follow their desired path.

Looking for more information? Check out our monthly Pathways Newsletter – full of the latest information and career opportunities.

Pathways Newsletter May
Pathways Newsletter April
Pathways Newsletter March